Fat Reduction

Bespoke Cosmetics Clinic offers permanent solutions to reducing stubborn fat. Due to TGA regulation, we are unable to describe the specifics of this treatment, please book a complimentary consultation to learn more!

Our fat dissolving treatments are a non-surgical option for eliminating excess fat in certain areas of the body, such as the chin, love handles, and stomach. This option is minimally invasive treatment.

By the time we become an adult, we accumulate a certain number of fat cell. As we gain weight, the fat cells expand and as we loose weight they shrink, however, the number of fat cells in an area remains the same. out solution to reduction targeted fat assets the body to dissolve the fat cells and allow them to naturally be eliminated by the body.

This therefore, reduces the targeted fat cells permanently.

Please book a complimentary consultation to learn more and assess if you are a candidate for treatment.